“Safe & Dignified Migration “at the World Social Forum (WSF) in Kathmandu, Nepal.

The World Social Forum (WSF) 2024 was held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 15th to 19th February 2024. There were 50,000 participants from almost 92 countries of the world came together proclaiming “Another World is Possible”. The Labour Migration Unit of Indian Social Institute, Bangalore was represented by Fr. Dr. M.G. Selvin Raj SJ, the Unit Head of Labour Migration and Fr. Anthony Dass SJ, the Superior of the Jesuit community of ISI-B, along with the FORUM OF RELIGIOUS FOR PEACE & JUSTICE – INDIA.

The Indian Social Institute Bangalore in collaboration with the FORUM OF RELIGIOUS FOR PEACE & JUSTICE – INDIA, and CARITAS Nepal organised an interactive session at World Social Forum (WSF), Kathmandu on the theme “Promotion of SAFE & DIGNIFIED MIGRATION”.

The FORUM Convenor Sr. Dorothy Fernandez PBVM welcomed the participants and the three panellists Fr. Martin SJ the Director of MAIN (Migrant Assistance and Information Network), Ms. Sylvia the Programme Coordinator of CARITAS, Nepal and Fr. Francis Bosco SDB, who was the founder Director of Don Bosco Migrant service in Chennai.

Fr. Selvin SJ the MAIN South Zone Coordinator from Bangalore ISI played the role of the moderator and introduced the topic. He emphasized the urgency of promoting Safe and Dignified Migration at this point of time. Our accompaniment with  distress migrants who are mostly the Dalits, Adivasi and OBCs should be beyond our works of charity to restore justice which they deserve. From rescue, relief and rehabilitation of the affected people we need to move towards restoration of their human respect and dignity. Hence this topic is evolved.

Fr. Martin SJ, stressing on the distress condition of the labour migrants in their destination states explained to us how the MAIN model of the Jesuits in India has reached out to the migrants in their critical situation. He demonstrated number of case studies of rescue operations. His video clippings drew the attention of all. The statistical reports of recovery of huge money as wage theft and compensation returned to the affected migrants was an amazing effort of MAIN with its collaborating partners in India. He called for collaboration and network among NGOs, CSOs and religious communities in order to be more effective and efficient in our work.

Ms. Sylvia the programme coordinator of CARITAS Nepal vividly explained how the Nepali migrants in Gulf countries suffer without any social security and protection. Answering to a question on why there are many Nepalese migrating or trafficked to India and other neighbouring countries, she opined that there are no stringent laws in Nepal to protect them from human trafficking and the borders are open for easy cross over. She said we need to bring more awareness on this issue in order to ensure safe and dignified migration.

Fr. Francis Bosco SDB gave a very critical analysis of the migrant situation in the context of labour exploitation in India. There is no record of their registration both in origin and destination states which makes them more vulnerable and the problems more complicated. He emphasised that as we think of minimum wage, we need to consider their living wage also. He made us become aware of what criterion we must employ to differentiate the skilled laborers from semi and un-skilled labourer. For example, a generic term like “coolies” does not indicate their capacity to do a specific work in farming and agriculture. Challenging the people present, he accentuated that delivering justice to our workers has to start from our own religious communities.

From the number of questions that were raised in the floor clearly indicated that  we need to attend to the crisis of the labour migrants wherever we work. It is time for us to synergise all our energy and resources to network among ourselves to accompany the migrants. It is at most important to ensure human respect and dignity of the migrants both in the origin and destination places.

Thanks to FORUM members for taking initiative to organise this interactive session at the WSF and entrusting the responsibility to the Labour migration Unit of ISI Bangalore and CARITAS Nepal.

Reported by Fr. Dr. M.G. Selvin Raj SJ