PROGRAM     :             “Chirala Youth Empowered with Knowledge to access entitlements”

MODULE III    :             People’s Entitlements

PLACE             :             Chirala, Andhra Pradesh.

DATES            :              21, 22 &23 November 2024


PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS: Jesus Mary Joseph Social Service Society (JMJSSS), Vetapalem, Community Action For Rural Development Society (CARDS), Chirala, and Kamadhenu Charitable Trust (KCT), Ongole, Andhra Pradesh.


Fr. Anthaiah SBD.  Shekar Babu  and Dasari Immaniye

 The three-day training program on People’s Entitlements, organized by the Indian Social Institute, Bengaluru, helped the 40youthto understand their basic rights. They learned about the various government schemes on scholarships and skill training etc. The youth learnt the details how to apply to access the entitlements. The training showed them how to apply for certificates like birth, income, caste and disability certificates. With this knowledge they will access their entitlements to improve their lives and help others.

Santosh from JMJSSS NGO said that he learned that entitlements are rights given to people by the government, such as ration cards, Aadhar and health cards. These rights help vulnerable communities get equal opportunities. He learned that these entitlements are not free gifts; they are affirmative action’s to bring justice and support to those in need. He wants to help his community get their entitlements especially ration cards and caste certificates.

Aruna CARDS NGO said she has learned that the Right to Health especially maternity benefits helps women get the care they need during pregnancy and childbirth. It was not known by me that such benefits exist. I want these facilitates to be provided to women in my community..

Shyam said that he learned child safeguarding policies are important for keeping children safe in schools and other places. These policies create a healthy and safe environment for children. Kumar wants to make sure children in his community are protected and that schools follow these rules.

Divya said that she learned the Protection of Women at the workplace is necessary to make sure women can work without fear of harassment. I learned that laws, like the Vishaka Guidelines, protect women. I want to organize meetings in my community to inform women about these rights and ensure they are safe at their workplaces.”

The resource persons Fr. Anthaiah SBD, K. Shekar Babu and Dasari Immaniyelu taught the youth about benefits of ration cards, voter IDs, Aadhar, health cards, and pensions. The resource persons also explained about government schemes for youth, such as scholarships and skill training. They talked about policies to protect children and women, like child safeguarding and the protection of women at work place.

As a facilitator, I am happy to see the youth learn about People’s Entitlements. 21 male and 19 female participants actively participated and learned how to access social benefits from ration cards, voter IDs, and health cards. They are now empowered to use this knowledge to improve their lives and the communities.


Adv. Karuna Rao

Facilitator, Andhra Pradesh/Telangana

Social Inclusion and Democracy Unit